ncarg-talk archive by subject
- "convert"
- "ncgm2cgm"
- "ymake: Coommand not found" error
- 'getenv' behavior in NCL not as advertised...
- (Fwd) Contours on a map
- (no subject)
- ./Configure -v ERROR with Fedora 1 ?
- 1. Problem building ictrans with pgf90 and gcc (Kemp, Eric M.)
- 3.2.1 manual
- 32bits compilation on IBM AIX 5.2
- 4.01 on Linux
- 4.4.1 Installation Problem
- 57 character limit to opngks file ?
- [Fwd: Compiling problems with HP-UNIX]
- [Fwd: gmeta.test]
- [ncarg-talk] 1. Problem building ictrans with pgf90 and gcc (Kemp, Eric M.)
- [ncarg-talk] Compiling--crtbegin.o error
- [ncarg-talk] idt print to xwd file comes out wrong
- [ncl-talk] about Panel contour bar font size
- [ncl-talk] C Wrapper functions
- [ncl-talk] having trouble with bar charts
- [ncl-talk] How to access special characters?
- [ncl-talk] How to read a 3-d ascii grid data file ?
- [ncl-talk] HP Install Problems
- [ncl-talk] NCAR Graphics
- [ncl-talk] NCL Script help
- [Q] Funny output by
- [Q] structure of the map datafile for EZMAP.
- [version 3.2, EZMAP] Polar stereographic sectors possible?
- A poor man's interactive tool.
- a question
- A question and a proposed answer on SuSe 9.0
- About the use of NCAR graphics COMMON blocks
- ad idt "illegal seek" problem
- Adding supplemental map outlines from GIS to EZMAP
- AIX 32/64 bit
- Algorithm Failure in ARPRAM?
- Allocation of workspace problem
- Alternate Graphics Packages
- Alternate World Maps
- Am I using AGCHCU properly?
- animation conversion
- Animation Question
- Announcing overview document for NCAR Graphics tools
- Announcing the release of NCAR Graphics 4.3.0
- any Windows NT ports ?
- Anyone using NCAR to plot maps to scale?
- Ask help for building NCARG library from source code
- assigning a color value to array elements
- Autograph does not display tick's in 4.2.x
- Autograph, top label control
- Ayman Ghanem's question.
- bar charts
- Basis -- interactive driver for NCAR
- bcopyswap and Linux
- beta-testing NCARG 4.0
- Binary to ASCII conversion
- BIVAR documentation
- Borders of Eritrea
- broken installation
- Bug in Installation script for NCARG on LINUX PC
- bug with Sun "c" compiler
- building ictrans on SGI Itanium2 running Redhat 9 Kernal 2.4.2
- Building NCAR libs on IRIX 6.2
- building ncarg with Intel compilers on Debian Linux box
- C manual
- C routines for autograph
- C user's guide
- c_set and gtext
- can ncar interface with html, hot java, or java?
- can ncarg be used with apache?
- Can perl access NCAR routines?
- Can't locate -lcrt2.o
- can't run "ncargex"
- CCM ouput interpolation
- Cell array and other items
- Cell Arrays - very large in PostScript land
- cgm error
- cgm interpreter
- cgm->???
- Change in domain
- changes needed for compilation under Linux RH 7.1 and GNU compilers
- Changing Plot background color
- character reads and writes?
- clarification
- clipping
- Color Codes
- color contours
- Color contours with labelbar
- Color display disappeared
- Color fill over land only
- color indices
- color map and idt...
- colormap with animate (idt)
- colours in AUTOGRAPH
- Combining meta files into one
- Command line overplot
- command line overplot for .ps or ncarg files
- Common block definitions for Strmln, Version 3.1 NCAR
- Compatible Systems
- Compilation error
- compilation issue
- compile and link issue
- compile errors
- Compile problem for ncargraphics 4.2.3
- compile problems
- Compile problems in HP-UX 11.22 (IA-64)
- compiler error?
- Compiling error of ictrans for ncarg 4.3.1
- Compiling Errors
- Compiling NCARG 4.2.3 with pgf90
- Compiling NCARG on Linux with Intel compilers
- compiling ncarg version 3.1.3a
- Compiling NCARG with GNU fortran 95, or g95
- Compiling NCARG with GNU fortran 95, or g95 (fwd)
- Compiling on Linux (RH7.1, 2.4.x kernel)
- Compiling on Solaris 2.6
- Compiling Problems
- Compiling problems with HP-UNIX
- Compiling--crtbegin.o error
- conference
- Configure files for Linux
- Configure prioblems on SuSE 8.2
- CONMAP / viewports for global fields
- connect two points by arrow
- CONPACK and world maps
- Conpack problem
- Conpack problem update
- CONREC algorithm
- Contour (Fill) Label Bar Trouble
- Contour (Fill) Label Bar Trouble Solution
- Contour and Pattern Fill in NCL
- Contour Label Interval
- contour labels
- contour labels with cpcnrc
- Contour level label thickness (numbers)
- contour lines on ellipsoid
- contour mapping !!!
- Contour plots
- Contour plots (XZ or YZ) with stretched vertical coordinate
- contour smoothing
- Contouring from a staggered grid.
- Contouring question
- contouring widely spaced, gridded data
- contourPlot with non-equal interval grid data
- contours on arbitrary surface
- conversion of ctrans PS output to Adobe PS
- Convert NCGM to color PostScript
- Converting NCGM files
- Convex NCAR
- coordinates used in cttd01.f
- county maps?
- Coutouring random point data
- CPSETR ('SFS - scale factor selector',1000.) broke?
- Created file.ncgm but can't use ctrans...?
- Creating gif files
- creating gif files (fwd)
- creating gui with ncar
- ctrans
- ctrans -d epson ???
- ctrans bug in NCARG 3.2
- ctrans error
- ctrans error on CGM element fetching
- ctrans hangs, but idt works fine?
- ctrans issues
- ctrans on linux pc
- ctrans problem
- ctrans program
- ctrans window gives wrong region
- ctrans window gives wrong region - FOLLOWUP
- cttd01.f question
- Cygwin/XFree86 port of NCARG 4.2.2??
- dashed lines and Autograph?
- Dead link and question!
- debugging area identifiers in conpack
- Disappearing Graphics
- Dobry den,
- Documentation comment form
- Does NCAR-Graphics software support chinese?
- Double Precision and Subroutine SET
- Double Precision and Subroutine SET_(There was sth wrong in my last mail.)
- double precision versions of kurvp1, kurvp2?
- Earth..2 and the sea?
- edit NCARG using framemaker
- Ellipse
- EPS files and CMYK
- eps or epsi
- EPS output
- Error during ncargex
- Error fetching CGM element
- Error message.
- error on web base
- Error unit in GOPKS.
- errors
- examples
- exp intrinsic function
- EZMAP aspect ratios.
- f90
- Failed Installation Test
- file i/o support
- Finding Arrays of MINs MAXs
- FITS Image Cube
- fontcap problem
- fonts
- For cpex08, the compile and link failed
- formatting plots in REVU
- Fortran 2.0
- fortran 90 and ncarg3.2.1
- Forwarded: ncarg xwd's
- frame
- Fujitsu f90 compiler VS ncarg.
- Fwd: Setenv...
- GCA --> PS
- GCM to gif or bmp?
- GFLAS legacy question - filename length limit
- gif files
- GKS error
- GKS Error? (Running RIP to visualize MM5 windfield data)
- global map of concentration
- gmeta ---> .png
- Graphcap for color plot on HP deskjet850C
- Grayscale problem when converting postscript to tiff
- Great than 360 degree map
- Greyscale graphics
- GRIB Archives
- GRIB data format in NG
- Grid transformation
- HDF support in LINUX RH7.2 binary distribution?
- Hello
- Hello!
- help
- help !!
- Help for ncargex
- Help on NCAR graphics, in invoking Fortran 90 compiler
- Help on Solaris 8
- help request
- help to install ncarg and ncl in solaris 7
- Help with 1993 Version of PlotChar and AutoGraph
- Help! Can't run example demo
- Help!!
- help: contouring with irregular spaced data
- help: contouring with non-equal interval grid data
- High/Low Labels for Contourplot
- Highly detailed map data with political borders
- histgr
- Histogram
- HLU contour plots lack line labelling, no control
- Hollow splined regions
- How can I easily MIN & MAX ==> (i,j)s (fwd)
- How to add my own logo?
- How to call NCAR Graphics from other GUI program
- how to compile example ftex01
- How to convert NCAR graphics
- How to create EzmapOutlines.PS from Earth..3 in ezmap
- how to force compiler flags during make
- How to get a frame from a multi-frame gmeta file?
- How to I ask a query?
- How to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect document?
- how to install NCARG in SUSE 9.1
- How to make NCAR PLCHHQ use new user-supplied font?
- How to migrate to gfortran on Mac OS X?
- How to put terrain under a plot?
- How to read Ezmap data files ??
- How to split metafile?
- How to transform from .ncgm file to flash?
- How to Uniinstall
- How to write a GUI
- HP rx2600 Itanium 2
- HP users?
- ictrans -d xwd
- Identifying area/country identifier
- idt "illegal seek" problem
- idt & printer
- idt (NCARG 4.0)
- idt and ncarv_spool question
- idt hangs, but ctrans works?
- idt like server for WEB pages?
- idt print to xwd file comes out wrong
- idt problem
- idt won't save
- IMTOOL for Linux ?
- Inconsistent colors in X11, ncgm, ctrans from LLU+HLU
- Increasing character sizes in EZXY plots
- info
- Info about NCAR Graphics
- info on converting NCL/NCARG images to other formats
- InfoLabel and HighLowLabels black on output
- information on NCAR 4.0 gui
- Inside or outside?
- Install glitch on Mac OS X
- install ncar graphic 4.0 html files on local pc
- install Ncar Graphics 4.4.1 in my PC running Linux
- install on IRIX 6.4?
- Install Problems
- install problems for Ncarg + NCL on Mandriva LE 2005
- installation error of some sort installing Ver 3.2
- Installation errors - HP-UNIX
- Installation in Redhat 6.2
- installation on Linux platform
- Installation Problem
- installation problem no ctrans/NCARG_ROOT?
- Installation problems on Open Suse Linux 10.0 - MM5 Terrain
- Installation problems on Open Suse Linux 10.0 - MM5Terrain
- installing issues
- installing ncl and ncarg on Mac OS X
- Installing on Solaris 2.6
- Installing with gcc-3.3
- Intel fortran compiler version of NCARg
- Intel/gcc Problem
- Intel/gcc Problem (Felix Schueller)
- interactive extensions
- International Outlines
- Interpolation
- interpolation - int2p
- Irix6.x
- is gmeta file's extension .ngcm
- Is NCAR Graphics V3.1 Y2K compliant?
- Is NHL a dead product?
- ISSUe of installing V 4.2.2 on IRIX 6.5
- it must be simple but.
- KURVP1DP, KURVP2DP, ezmaps and the North Pole
- label placement
- label problems
- label sizes w/ lblbar
- Label thickness in LLU
- labelbar
- Labeling problem in using Contour Plot Package of HLU
- landscaping to expand to max
- Latitude/Longitude labels in EZMAP
- Legends for curves in autograph
- can't open file ?
- Linking problems on Mac os X
- linking problems, RH 6.2 alpha
- Linux
- Linux and Intel Compilers
- Linux Slackware 4.0
- Linux upgrade gives compile error messages
- Linux Version
- Log Contour Plots
- Log Y-Axis
- Looking for windbarb plotting routine
- LSM interpolation
- Mac OS X ncargex missing symbols linking problem
- Make error for ncarg-4.4.1 on FC2 with pgf90 compilers
- Making user defined font file and installing
- Map backgrounds
- map data
- Map data bases
- mapitd
- maptrp.f and mapchi.f
- Marker problem
- Martin Gera, please contact us ...
- masking all areas but the US
- Maximum vector string in VVECTR
- Meridional stremfunction
- Meridional stremfunction (fwd)
- metafile manipulation question
- minor problem of GKS C interface
- Misleading Masking
- missing data
- missing data and autograph
- Missing GFLAS-created file
- missing showpage in ps-file
- Missing Values - X11 window title
- Missing values - Xgks ressources
- mm5
- MM5 and NCAR Graphics
- MM5 and NCARG Errors
- modifications to AGPWRT
- more re. cannot find -lXpm
- most-compatible Linux distribution
- Mouse events in X11 workstation
- movies
- mpeg_player
- multiple postings and spammers
- multiple ps files at once in NCAR Graphics?
- multiple users and ncarg?
- nacrg for IBM AIX 5.2 32 bit
- Natural neighbor interpolation/extrapolation
- NCAR 4 fails on SGI R8000 under IRIX64
- NCAR 4.0.1 on Origin 2000
- NCAR for WinNT
- NCAR for WinNT 3.51 with Power Fortran (fwd)
- NCAR GKS and Windows
- NCAR graphic (contour plotting)
- ncar graphic 4.3 in Redhat9.0
- NCAR Graphic with FEDORA core 3 test2
- NCAR Graphics
- NCAR graphics 4.3.1 on OS X 10.2.6
- NCAR graphics and Linux pgf90
- NCAR Graphics and netCDF files
- NCAR Graphics and OS X with xlf
- NCAR Graphics and OS X with xlf?
- NCAR Graphics compilation problems
- NCAR Graphics display on WINNT4.0 workstation
- NCAR Graphics for MacOSX
- NCAR Graphics on 64 bit AMD Opteron (x86-64)
- NCAR Graphics on 64 bit AMD Opteron (x86-64) and MM5
- NCAR Graphics on a Mac?
- NCAR Graphics on AIX 5L V5.1
- ncar graphics on IBM p690 machine
- ncar graphics on linux alpha
- ncar graphics on linux cluster
- NCAR Graphics on SGI Origin2000
- NCAR Graphics on the Web
- NCAR Graphics output in JPG or GIF format
- NCAR Graphics Teaching Conference
- NCAR Graphics Version 4.0
- NCAR Graphics Version 4.2.2 - free!
- NCAR Graphics version 4.2.3 on the RedHat 7.3
- NCAR Graphics Vs. PathScale Fortran Compiler
- NCAR Graphics with Redhat 7.0
- NCAR Graphics, Mac OS 10.4 and XLF
- ncar installation
- NCAR Interactively
- ncar run
- NCAR V3.2/Undefined symbol
- ncar-4.3.0
- ncarg
- NCARG & Mac OS 10.3 & Absoft compilers woes
- NCARG 4.0.1 on Sun Sparc 2 running RedHat Linux 5.2
- NCARG 4.1 on CRAY SV1
- ncarg 4.4 and eps BoundingBox
- Ncarg 4.4 with Intel compiler
- ncarg 4.4.1 compile problem
- NCARG 4.4.1 with Intel compilers
- ncarg and scripting languages
- NCARG binaries for SGI 64-bit IRIX 6.2
- NCARG compilation
- NCARG Compile errors, RH 8, RH 9 & Fedora 1 ?
- NCARG for color-blind people
- NCARG local documentation and perl
- NCARG on FreeBSD
- NCARG on Power Macintosh
- NCARG on SX6
- ncarg talk
- ncarg under linux
- NCARG V.4. install
- ncarg with WRFV1
- ncarg, Opteron, GCC-4.0
- NCARG-4.2.3
- ncarg-talk
- ncarg-talk Digest, Vol 16, Issue 10
- ncarg4.1.1 with linux redhat 6.1
- ncarg4.4.1 compiled error
- ncargcc compiling problem
- ncargex can't find X11 libraries (Redhat 9)
- ncargex cpex08 ERROR ????
- ncargex problem on Sun
- ncargf77 -r8 -i4
- ncargf77 on OSX
- ncargf90
- ncargf90 woes
- ncargpath
- ncargraphics and sgi os 5.3
- ncgm conversions
- NCGM filters
- Ncgm Questions
- ncgm to gif
- ncgm to gif conversion for Linux?
- NCGM to mpeg conversion
- ncl & curvilinear grids
- NCL : fbinread
- NCL on OS X
- NCL Script help
- Need graphcap for Polaroid Digital Palette CI5000s slide maker
- Need help converting VMS preGKS gmetas
- Need help windowing,scaling,moving output frames
- need help with GKS ERROR'S!
- netcdf version
- new metafile translator
- New Political Boundaries for former Soviet Union ??
- New version of NCAR Graphics available!
- Ngmath Compilation
- nh, sh Stereographic contour plots
- no ctrans, what NCARG_ROOT
- non gridded data
- O Canada, wherefore art thou Canada
- Off track!
- Old routine
- Opacity of colors?
- OPNGKS error?
- Opteron with Intel Fortran and Gnu C problems
- Overlapping labels
- overlay plots
- passing arguments in ncl
- PC Linux binaries
- PC Version of NCAR Graphics Package
- PC with Lahey Fortran
- PCFOPN Error
- Peizhong's question.
- Peizhong's second question.
- PGF77!!
- phase maps
- pipe to ctrans
- plot vectors
- Plotting contours using external file
- plotting contours using natgrids and cprect over a base map
- Plotting more than one curve using EZXY?
- Plotting overbar to represent a mean
- Plotting Station Model
- plotting USGS DLG files
- polar coordinates and grid perimeters
- polar plots using ncl
- Political borders in NCARG4
- Polygons filled with many lines
- Port NCAR Graphics on NEC SX4
- Portland Group compilers and NCARG.
- postscript error
- Postscript Files
- Postscript graphcap for 11x17?
- Preserving black bg in color Postscript
- Print output with colors
- Printer Problem
- Printer problems on VMS-NCARgraphics
- printing NCARG files on full page area
- Problem building ictrans
- Problem building ictrans with pgf90 and gcc
- Problem building idt in HP-UNIX
- Problem building w/ Solaris 7 f90
- Problem filling just ...
- Problem filling just a section of world map
- Problem in ncgm2mpeg
- Problem installing the NCAR graphics library on Linux / IFC
- Problem linking ncarg libraries
- problem viewing gmeta using idt
- problem w/ a user
- problem when using Intel compiler and Xeon EMT64 arch. on Fedora Core2
- Problem with AGCHCU.
- problem with binary for DEC Alpha - can't print from idt
- Problem with colors
- problem with ctrans?
- problem with different versions of NCARG and libncarg_loc.a
- problem with ncar under solaris
- Problem with running NCAR graphics 4.2.3 under Linux.
- Problem with tick marks in 4.0.1
- Problem with version 4.2.1
- Problem with X11
- Problems converting gmeta to png
- Problems Testing NCARG
- Problems with compiling NCARG with Intel fortran 9.0 Linux on Fedora 4 system
- Problems with explicit contour levels
- problems with ifort
- problems with libncarg_gks.a on RedHat 4?
- Problems with libraries...
- Problems with pgf90 on Redhat 7.3
- Problems with the fortran compiler
- Problems with: CALL GSCR
- Produce Gif via ncargraphic
- PS file filter
- PS file filter (reprise)
- Q: How to preserve the black background?
- Question
- question about "hsvrgb"
- question about installation of ncargraphic
- Question about Plotting multiple ellipses
- Question about scale of vector plot
- Question on vertical cross-sectional plot
- Question: Installing NCARG 3.1 on Sparc LX with Solaris 2.3...
- Questions about SGI platform
- questions about the SKEW-T information in RIP program
- Ragtime Toons
- RANGS coastlines and area maps
- Reading a GRIB File With addfile
- Reading Large netCDF files
- Real-time plotting w/ NCAR?
- Redhat 9.0 / intel fortran compiler
- Redhat Linux
- Reg Ncarg on 64-bit mcahine
- Reg:Ncarg on ia64 machine
- Regridding with bivar
- removing rect frame arounf mollweide plots
- Removing the NCAR Grafics
- renaming gmeta
- repressing automatic units plotting
- req. advice for making graphics for a estuary model
- restarting use of NCAR graphics
- RH Enterprise
- Rich Selin's question.
- RIP/MM5/NCARG and Windows
- Rivers?
- rotated mercator projection.
- rotation problem using MAPROJ
- rotations in threed plots
- rounding floats
- rounding functions
- Running NCAR version 4.0 under DIGITAL UNIX 4.0
- Running NCARG on Tiger/MacOSX
- scale vectors
- semi-successful compile of NCARG with Intel Fortran compiler for Linux
- set the type of curves
- setenv NCARG_ROOT in Mandrake 10 solved!
- setenv problem
- Setting environnement variable
- SGI Altix 3700, Intel 8.1
- SGI Indigo-2 R8000 machine
- SGI's cvd and NCAR: help!
- Shareable ncar graphics libraries under aix 4.1
- shifted xwd .. partial withdrawal of question
- simple centers
- Size of Postscript files
- sizing labels and numbers on right axis
- Skew T anyone?
- Skew-T
- SKEW-T sounding diagram
- Small question
- SOLARIS 7, compiling problem
- Solaris 8 Compile error
- Solaris 8 Installation
- Solaris 8 Installation Problems
- Solution to IMTOOL for Linux
- something wrong in Configure
- SOS!
- Source code inconsistency in NCARG 4.0.1
- special value
- special value for line drawing routines
- SRFACE: 4 plots per page
- Station model data
- STITLE "bugs" and/or tweaks
- Streamlines colored by flow intensity
- STRMLN question
- SunOS 4.1.3 problem
- Syncronising grid spacing and grid labelling
- synoptic station model
- System requirements for NCAR Graphics 4.1
- System Test
- T,log-p or Stueve diagram
- Tailor Postscript Editor for the Mac
- terrain following coordinates
- Testing Installation of NCAR Graphics Binaries under Mac OS 10.3.4
- Testing of installation
- Thanks
- Thanks for help (splitting metafile)
- The problem of writing data into multiple meta files.
- Thickness of polymarkers
- Time-series plots with NCAR Graphics?
- Trajectories with NCAR
- Translator aborted message
- Trouble Running idt
- trouble with ctrans
- Trouble with IDT on Solaris 8.
- Two minor patches for compiling with pgf77 on RHEL 3
- Undefined symbol
- unwanted colorfills in Ezmap
- URL/Manuals
- user contributed routines using ncarg
- user-changeable routines
- Using 11x17 paper
- Using CPSPS2 in order to initialize CONPACK
- Using my model map in polar projection
- Using NCAR graphics
- Using NCL to plot limited area model data
- Using RANGS database
- UTM projection
- v4.0.1 install on SGI Origin 2000
- Vector Angles
- Vector field
- vector length
- vector question
- vectors as wind barbs
- Version 4 and Suns
- Version 4.0 on Sun OS4.1x
- very simple NCARG question
- vvudmv in c
- warning message not understood
- weather symbols
- What place is this???
- where can I download the sources of NCARG 4.3 ?
- Where can I find the message "NCAR Graphics"
- Where is simulatebg
- where is system-xfree86???
- Where is the ctrans program
- Where to get HLU's library or libhlu.a ?
- White Background for ictrans??
- who to contact for NCL help
- Windows over NCAR Graphics (graphics disappear)
- Windows version?
- World Map Database
- writing a GUI for my NCAR plots
- X window size
- x/y plots
- X11 library error
- xy plot
- xy plots
- xy05.res
- ymake
- your mail
- Your posting to ncl-talk
- Last message date: Sat Jul 01 2006 - 02:20:49 MDT
- Archived on: Wed Jul 05 2006 - 09:40:47 MDT