Help on NCAR graphics, in invoking Fortran 90 compiler

From: sbakshi (sbakshi@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Oct 10 2002 - 16:50:01 MDT


I have downloaded NCAR graphic version 4.3 for sun solaris running
5.8 OS (ncarg-4.3.0.Solaris8_sun4.tar.gz).

On executing ./INSTALL script, I was able to install all following
ncargcc ncargfile ncargversion ncarvversion
ncargex ncargpath ncargworld ncgm2cgm
ncargf77 ncargrun ncarlogo2ps ncgmstat

On our system Fortran 90 compiler is available. I was not
able to locate/and install necessary F90 scripts,
ie. ncargf90 and nhlf90, and other f90 scripts.

How can I install (invoke) f90 scripts, instead of f77.
Kindly provide a solution to this.

Thank you very much.

SARABJIT SINGH BAKSHI Voice/Phone Mail:301-286-6662
L-3 Communications Analytics Corp.
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