Using my model map in polar projection

From: Ayman Ghanem (ayman@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Jan 09 1995 - 15:48:39 MST

I'm sorry if a question like this was posted before. I'm new to the group
and to the NCAR graphics.
I'm using a graphics package called 'pltgks' which uses the NCAR graphics
routines for non-rectangular projections. When I select the projection type
to be 'ST' for polar projection, I can only use one of four outlines;
'CO','PO','PS','US'. My understanding is that these outlines are read from
a data file called EZMAP.
What I need to do is use my own model map outline which is 4x5. I have a
map for my model wich only specifies land and ocean points in terms of
surface types (0 and 1's) but not in real longitude and latitude.

What I'd like to know is how do I inlcude my model map in the EZMAP data
outlines?, or , if there is an alternative way that allows me to project
the gridded model map on polar map.
Thank you very much for any help.


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