(Fwd) Contours on a map

From: Petra Seibert (petra@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 18:53:45 MDT

  • Next message: Petra Seibert: "(Fwd) Contours on a map"


    I am trying to plot simple (not filled!) contours on a map with
    map projection using CPCLDR but no contours appear. Also I can't
    find a description for this case.

    I am also wondering whether there is any utility (or programme offered
    by other users) to convert lat-lon gridded fields to a grid on a map
    projection and vice versa.
    ( I do have two data sets, each gridded in one way).

    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Petra Seibert

    | Petra SEIBERT, Dr.phil. | Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur (BOKU), Wien |
    | | Institute of Meteorology and Physics (IMP) |
    | Tel. +43-1-4705828-20 | University of Agricultural Sciences (BOKU) |
    | Fax +43-1-4705828-61 | Tuerkenschanzstr. 18, A-1180 Wien, Austria |
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