Help! Can't run example demo

From: Ray D Wright (ray.wright@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jun 07 2001 - 13:32:27 MDT

  • Next message: Yoshihiro Yamazaki: "NCARG under linux"

    I have just installed ncar graphics 4.2.2 on my Linux system running
    Redhat 6.2. It compiled with no errors, but the quich demo program:

    ncargex example

    does not work. It copies the example.f file, compiles and links it, but
    when it runs the executable "example", I get

    Executing <example>...

    Metafile is named exampledncgm.

    No example.ncgm is created, as you might expect.

    Clearly it is a run-time error, but what's happening, and can I fix it?

    I'd be very glad of any help anybody can give.

    Ray Wright

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