conversion of ctrans PS output to Adobe PS

From: KB Shah (kshah@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jan 30 1996 - 03:56:19 MST

Dear NCAR_graphics users,

I have a postscript file generated by ctrans - but when I try to view
it on ghostview, it does not show page numbers but I can see
the pages by clicking on the next page button on the ghostview.

The files has many pages of graphics and I want to print just a few
by marking the pages in ghostview but that I cannot do since it doesn't
show pagenumbers - so I have to print the entire document which takes
45 minutes.

Ghostview does not show page number because the ps generated by ctrans is
not in Adobe format. I am wondering if someone knows how to generate
Adobe ps thru ctrans or convert the ps file to adobe format ps ?


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