Problem with tick marks in 4.0.1

From: steve piper (piper@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 17:25:03 MST


I am doing a simple Fortran-based xy plot in NCAR graphics 4.0.1 on a
SUN/Solaris 2.5.1, "manually" drawing in ticks for the x-axes, but using the
"automatic" agsets, agback for the y-axes. Ticks are missing in the upper
right-hand corner, on the right y axis. There is a "call frame" near the end
of the program and we have tried inserting a series of "call sflush"es without
success. I'd provide more information but am not sure at this point what other
information, short of the entire program listing, is relevant.

I am sorry if this problem has been discussed before. I do not follow
this group. I just now joined ncarg-talk to post this question.

Thanks for any information.


Dr. Stephen C. Piper
Geosciences Research Division
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
La Jolla, CA 92093-0244

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