Re: Disappearing Graphics

From: Jeff W. Boote (boote@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Dec 10 1996 - 08:28:48 MST

> Hello NCAR's...
> Whenever I put another window over then NCAR graphics window the graphics
> disappear (after moving the window apart. It works like a rubber). Is there an
> easy way to prevent the NCAR Graphics to be deleted (apart of calling
> NhlUpdateWorkstation).
> Thanks...

The XWorkstation window relies on backing-store to keep its window up to
date, so you need to make sure your X Server supports backing-store. This
is really the only way to do it without using threads.

Are you using an SGI Workstation? That is where we most often see
this problem. If so, you need to edit the file /var/X11/xdm/Xservers and
remove the "-bs" from it.

While you are in that directory, I would also recommend editing the xdm-config
file and changing all the "terminateServer" lines to True. This will cause
xdm to restart the X server whenever anyone logs out which can really
help reclaim memory.


Jeff W. Boote  <>          ***************************************
Scientific Computing Division            * There are more things in heaven and *
National Center for Atmospheric Research * earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of  *
Boulder                                  * in your philosophy.          Hamlet *

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