Re: installing issues

From: Kurt W Hirchert (hirchert@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 25 2003 - 07:04:00 MST

  • Next message: Edward Clutter: "how to compile example ftex01"

    At 01:14 AM 3/25/2003 -0500, Matt Rosier wrote:
    >Excuse my "newbieness" to Linux. I have installed NCAR Graphics in
    >yet when I try to run ncargex or anything under /usr/local/ncargex I get
    >"command not found." I assume this has something to do with either/or
    >permissions and environmental variables. I've followed all directions on the
    >install site. Any ideas?
    >I'm running RedHat 8.

    It sounds like you have not put your NCARG binaries directory in your $PATH
    or $path (i.e., the list of directories where your shell searches for
    commands). You can do this manually for a particular shell execution, do
    this in your "dot" files so it happens in each new shell execution for your
    login, or do it in appropriate system files so it happens for each new
    shell execution for each user. On machines under my control, I do the
    latter. The directory /etc/profile.d is an ideal place to handle this. In
    it I put two files. /etc/profile.d/ncarg.csh contains
             setenv NCARG_ROOT /usr/local/ncarg
             setenv PATH $NCARG_ROOT/bin:$PATH
             if ($?MANPATH == 0) setenv MANPATH ''
             setenv MANPATH $NCARG_ROOT/man:$MANPATH
    /etc/profile.d/ contains
             export NCARG_ROOT=/usr/local/ncarg
             export PATH=$NCARG_ROOT/bin:$PATH
             export MANPATH=$NCARG_ROOT/man:$MANPATH
    The former sets the necessary environment variables for people using the
    tcsh shell; the latters does so for people using the bash
    shell. Obviously, you may need to adjust the first line of each file to
    reflect the directory where you actually installed NCARG. Note that files
    in /etc/profile.d need to have their execute bit set in order to be effective.

    Kurt W Hirchert                        
    UIUC Department of Atmospheric Sciences                  +1-217-265-0327 

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