compilation issue

From: Christopher Cheung (ccheung@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 13:12:19 MST

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "Re: Where can I find the message "NCAR Graphics""

    I'm trying to compile one of the examples given on the website. I first
    copy and pasted the program into a file called ex1.c

    and then I ran ncargcc and got the following error messages:

     oct209.ccheung 10> ../NCARG/bin/ncargcc ex1.c
    -n32 -mips3 -xansi -avoid_gp_overflow -O3 ex1.c
    -L/u/wk/ccheung/NCARG/lib -I/u/wk/ccheung/NCARG/include -lncarg
    -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lftn -lm -lX11
    ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "c_dsgrid3s" -- 1st referenced
    by ex1.o.
            Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and
    dsos are loaded.
    ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "_FWF" -- 1st referenced by
            Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and
    dsos are loaded.
    ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "_F90_STOP" -- 1st referenced
    by /u/wk/ccheung/NCARG/lib/libncarg.a(tdez3d.o).
            Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and
    dsos are loaded.
    ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved text symbol "_FRF" -- 1st referenced by
            Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and
    dsos are loaded.
    ld32: INFO 152: Output file removed because of error.

    Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?


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