Old routine

From: Cam V. Tran (trancv@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Jul 28 1995 - 15:11:16 MDT


:You may not need to worry about changing your pwritx calls right away,
:if you want to wait and get the color part working first. I will be
:very happy to help you convert your program if you're willing to send
:it to me.

Here is the subroutine that is called repeatedly. I deleted all stuff
not related to NCAR graphics.

Again, many thanks for your help.


      subroutine plt_blah (.........)

c..... Skip .....
c.....desclaration stuff.....
c..... here .....

      call SETUSV('IM',256)
      call SETUSV('IR',1)
      call SETUSV('IG',1)
      call SETUSV('IB',1)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

c..... Skip .....
c.....some computation.....
c.....some computation.....
c.....some computation.....
c..... here .....

      call displa(2,0,0)
      call set(0.1,xlim,0.1,ylim,xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,1)

      call anotat('CROSS-RANGE$','RANGE$',1,4,0,0)
      call ezxy (xx,yy,2,templtitl)

      call pwrity(.....)
      call pwrity(.....)
      call pwrity(.....)
      call pwrity(.....)

      call SETUSV('IR',1)
      call SETUSV('IG',0)
      call SETUSV('IB',0)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      call line (clx1,cly1,clx2,cly2)

      call SETUSV('IR',5)
      call SETUSV('IG',5)
      call SETUSV('IB',10)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

c..... Skip .....
c.....(do) loop of pwrity calls.....
c..... here .....

c d and m:

      call SETUSV('IR',1)
      call SETUSV('IG',1)
      call SETUSV('IB',0)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      do jdct=1,idct
        call line(xduct1,1.,xduct1,yline)

      do jmst=1,imst
         call line(1.,yduct1,xline,yduct1)

c w:

      call SETUSV('IR',60)
      call SETUSV('IG',0)
      call SETUSV('IB',40)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      call POINTS(xpow,ypow,1,ichar('W'),0)

      call line(x1,wikwngrg,x2,wikwngrg)
      call pwrity(wikwngcr,wikwngrg,'*',1,1,0,0)
      call line(wikwngcr,1.,wikwngcr,wikwngrg)
      do jsts=1,ists
         call pwrity(strsctcr(jsts),strsctrg(jsts),'O',1,1,0,0)

      do jwmes=1,iwmes
         call pwrity(weng_cr(jwmes),weng_rg(jwmes),'E',1,1,0,0)

      call SETUSV('IR',1)
      call SETUSV('IG',1)
      call SETUSV('IB',1)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      call pwrity(.........)
      call pwrity(.........)
      call pwrity(.........)
      call pwrity(.........)
      call pwrity(.........)
      call pwrity(.........)
      call pwrity(.........)

      call SETUSV('IR',0)
      call SETUSV('IG',1)
      call SETUSV('IB',0)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      do 60 i=1,npksplt
          if (pk_cr(i).ne.0. .and. pk_rg(i).ne.0.) then
              call POINTS(pk_cr(i),pk_rg(i),1,ichar('o'),0)
          end if
 60 continue

      call SETUSV('IR',0)
      call SETUSV('IG',1)
      call SETUSV('IB',0)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      do 75 i=1,nws
      if (mod(nint_ws(i),2) .eq. 0)
     # call POINTS(ws_cr(i),ws_rg(i),1,ichar('+'),0)
 75 continue

      call SETUSV('IR',1)
      call SETUSV('IG',0)
      call SETUSV('IB',0)
      call SETUSV('IN',10000)

      do 80 i=1,nws
      if (mod(nint_ws(i),2) .eq. 1)
     # call POINTS(ws_cr(i),ws_rg(i),1,ichar('-'),0)
 80 continue

      call FRAME

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