bar charts

From: Wanli Wu (wanli@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jun 04 1997 - 17:54:16 MDT

Hello, I need help with bar chart by using ncar graphics.
I have modeled results for several locations ( 7 ), and each
location has three variables. I want to compares the the three
variables among the 7 sites on a bar chart [ using different
color for each variables, three varaibles take one bar ( column) ].

>From the example on ncarg's web page ( thstgr ), it seems only two
sites (locations) data can be shown on one bar charts, and only for one

I would appreciate it if any one can offer suggestions to have all three
variables and 7 sites on ONE bar chart.

Thanks in advance.

Wanli Wu

   <> +++++++ Wanli Wu +++++++ <>
   <> Research Associate <>
   <> CIRES, University of Colorado <>
   <> Boulder, Colorado <>
   <> <>

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