contours on arbitrary surface

From: Daniel Sheltraw (sheltraw@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Mar 23 2004 - 16:38:25 MST

  • Next message: celie: "fontcap problem"

    Hello NCARg

    A few weeks ago I posted questions regarding plotting contours on
    an arbitrary surface. You were very helpful and allowed me to obtain
    a copy of ncarg 4.4 which included recent additions to NCARg that
    that are just what I need. You also sent me code and examples
    pertaining to the use of the new functions. Thank you! Unfortunately
    my mailbox got wiped clean and I have lost all such example files.
    Could you please send those examples again (if you have them) and
    tell me where the installation instructions are in the NCARg

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again,
    Daniel Sheltraw
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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