Re: Problem building w/ Solaris 7 f90

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Sep 24 2001 - 13:30:19 MDT

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "changes needed for compilation under Linux RH 7.1 and GNU compilers"

    > I am encountering an error (see below) building NCAR
    > Graphics 4.2.3 on an Ultra 10 running Solaris 7 using
    > Sun's compilers. I noticed a previous message in the
    > archive from a user with a similar problem. Mary Haley
    > responded and suggested:
    > Modify the file $NCARG/config/Sun4Solaris and change the line:
    > #define ExtraSysLibraries -Bdynamic -lnsl -lintl -lsocket -ldl -lw
    > to
    > #define ExtraSysLibraries -Bdynamic -lnsl -lintl -lsocket -ldl -lw -lfsu
    > I have done this and get the same error. I need the f90
    > support but will go back to f77 for now. Has anyone
    > encountered and solved this problem. Thanks.
    > f90 -O -o graphc capchg.o binput.o bndcls.o capast.o capdat.o cappar.o dascls.o devcls.o devcol.o devmap.o fndchr.o grinit.o gtflt.o gtint.o gtlog.o gtstr.o intcnv.o lincls.o marcls.o mtchit.o plgcls.o rascls.o rdline.o skpblk.o txtcls.o -L../../.././common/src/libncarg_c -lncarg_c -L/usr/local/ncarg/lib -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -L/usr/dt/lib -Bdynamic -lnsl -lintl -lsocket -ldl -lw -lfsu
    > Undefined first referenced
    > symbol in file
    > __s_stop capchg.o

    These undefined symbols are probably coming from the F77 library.

    Try adding "-lF77" to the ExtraSysLibraries macro in

      #define ExtraSysLibraries -Bdynamic -lnsl -lintl -lsocket -ldl -lw -lF77

    Once you do this, you will need to remake all the Makefiles and start
    the build up again. You can do this with:

       % cd $NCARG
       % make me Makefiles includes depend all install >&! make-output2 &


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