Re: Marker problem

From: Fred Clare (fred@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Jan 09 1998 - 14:23:06 MST

The dot sizes are not scalable. This is the way it is supposed
to work:
   The marker size is calculated as a nominal size multiplied by the
   marker size scale facotr. This size is mapped by the workstation
   to the nearest available size. Marker type 1 is always displayed
   as the smallest displayable dot.
                                   --GKS Standard, p. 22
   The marker type "dot" is intended always to be displayed as the
   smallest visible point on the display surface at metafile
   interpretation time. It is thus intended to behave as a
   polypoint element.
                                   --CGM Standard, p. 81
If you want fat dots use the NGDOTS procedure.
   - Fred Clare

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