Earth..2 and the sea?

From: Arjan van Dijk (Arjan.van.Dijk AT
Date: Fri Aug 05 2005 - 12:57:15 MDT

  • Next message: Juan Camilo Hernandez: "Install Problems"


    After some browsing I found the new Earth..2 set of country contours. Now
    Germany is reunited and eastern Europe is the mess it actually is. BUT...
    Then I tried to port Earth..2 into the example with the colourful lines
    above Africa (forgot the name of the example). I changed focus from Africa
    to Europe and: England was flooded, so was Syria and Macedonia. The Black
    sea however had been turned into land! Brrrrr. Only after a while I found a
    different example, using Earth..2 (also forgot the name). That one did not
    check the area-code to discriminate land from sea, but it checked if the
    name of the area carried the substring "Water" in it. This example did not
    inundate England! Can someone tell me what the logic is in the area-codes
    in the Earth..2 dataset?




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