Re: Installation Problem

From: H C Pumphrey (hcp@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Oct 03 2000 - 02:15:06 MDT

  • Next message: Ethan Alpert: "Re: Installation Problem"

    Hi Waylon,

    On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Waylon Collins wrote:

    > I am trying to build the NCAR graphics software from source code.
    > I am using both a PC Linux with the pgf90 compiler, and HP-UNIX.
    > Some errors appear during the "make Everything >& make-output &"
    > procedure. Further, when I execute the "ncargex example" test command,
    > I get errors associated with "ncargpath".

    First, make sure that you have the most recent tarball. It should be
    v4.2.2. If you downloaded it more than a month ago you may have 4.2.1.

    If you have not done so already, check out the messages in the archive of
    this mailing list on this subject, particularly the ones with the subject
    Linux Slackware 4.0 (They apply to linuces other than Schlockware.)

    Try using another compiler -- fort77 is known to work and you can link the
    results with most fortran 90 compilers. However there are often issues
    compiling legacy Fortran 77 code with a modern Fortran 9x compiler and
    further issues linking C code with a fortran compiler. I don't use pgf90
    so I can't comment on the issues associated with your particular compiler.

    If it still doesn't work, post again, but make sure you say at what point
    the build fails and what the error message is. That way someone (probably
    Mary Haley :-) ) will have more chance of pinpointing your problem.

    > I think the problem is associated with my settings in the configuration
    > file. Does anyone know the exact settings of the following parameters in
    > the configuration file, for both PC Linux and HP-UNIX?

    No knowledge of HP-UX but for Debian Linux 2.2 I have:
    > CCompiler gcc /* WTF else would it be :-) */
    > ExtraSysLibraries /* Not defined as anything */
    > CcOptions -O -ansi
    > FcOptions -O /* Just the optimize flag */

    These are _so_ dull that I have a suspicion that your problems lie
    elsewhere. In particular, CtoFLibraries may have to be tweaked unless you
    are running _exactly_ the same release of Red Hat Linux as the Linux guru
    at NCAR _and_ you are using g77 as your fortran compiler.

    If you _do_ get it to work, do please post to tell us what you did.

    All the best

    Hugh Pumphrey

    Dr. Hugh C. Pumphrey | Tel. 0131-650-6026,Fax:0131-650-5780
    Department of Meteorology | Replace 0131 with +44-131 if outside UK
    The University of Edinburgh | Email
    EDINBURGH EH9 3JZ, Scotland | URL:

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