Re: Problem building ictrans

From: Kurt W Hirchert (hirchert@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Jul 18 2003 - 09:21:18 MDT

  • Next message: hesam hasanpour: "error on web base"

    If have not built 4.3.1 with ifc, but I believe I encountered the same
    problem while building 4.2.3 with ifc. As I remember the problem,
    libictrans includes some Fortran source, but ictrans is linked with the C
    driver rather than Fortran driver, so the Fortran libraries are not
    searched automatically and must be supplied explicitly. My solution was a
    modification of the file LINUX to contain the following lines:

    /* start of ifc mods */
    #define CCompiler icc
    #define FCompiler ifc
    #define CtoFLibraries -Wl,-Bstatic '-L/opt/intel/compiler60/ia32/lib'
    -lIEPCF90 -lF90 -Wl,-Bdynamic -lm
    #define CcOptions -ansi -w
    #define FcOptions -Vaxlib -w -cm
    /* end of ifc mods */

    I believe the line that was relevant for fixing this particular problem was
    the #define of CtoFLibraries, as f_cpystr is in -lIEPCF90.

    [For the building of 4.2.3, I believe the above changes and a minor source
    correction in ngpswk.f were the only changes I had to make to get a
    successful build with ifc. Some of the new stuff in 4.3.1 causes
    additional problems whose solutions I have not tracked down.]

    At 12:32 PM 7/17/2003 -0700, Kemp, Eric M. wrote:

    >Dear NCAR Graphics users,
    >We have been building and installing NCAR Graphics 4.3.1 on a HP Proliant
    >DL380 running RedHat Linux 8.0, with separate builds performed for the pgf90
    >and ifc 7.1 compilers. Along the way we have encountered problems with
    >creating the 'ictrans' binary required by 'idt' to view gmeta files. Two of
    >my colleagues have inspected the source code and text output from the
    >makefiles, and have traced the problem to an unsuccessful link to f_cpystr
    >(see the attached e-mail below). Does anyone know of a solution to this
    >Eric Kemp

    Kurt W Hirchert                        
    UIUC Department of Atmospheric Sciences                  +1-217-265-0327 

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