Re: very simple NCARG question

From: Lucy M. Carruthers (lmc@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Mar 25 1996 - 11:06:13 MST

Your question was:
I've got a time-sequence of frames, and I'd like to place the time of each
frame (in exponential form) somewhere in the frame plot. "Time: 3.4e11 sec"

In my code 3.4e11 is a real, but all the NCARG text utilities want character

Simply: How does one place a non-predefined number on a plot?

I suggest the encode statement. Such as:
    character*20 ttitle
    encode (20,10,ttitle) time1
 10 format ('Time: ',1pe9.2,' sec')

Now your character variable ttitle is ready for the NCARG utility. If that is
too old-fashioned a style to suit you, then I suggest an internal write
   write (ttitle,10) time1
with the same format statement above.
             Lucy Carruthers CCIT University of Arizona

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