Re: Plotting more than one curve using EZXY?

From: Dave Kennison (kennison@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 10:06:09 MDT

  • Next message: Orenthal J. Tucker: "ncarg with WRFV1"

    > I would like to plot an ellipse consisting of N points using EZXY. Then I would
    > like to draw a line along the semi-major axis using LINE specifying two points.
    > But EZXY advances to the next frame after drawing the ellipse. The docs mention
    > that the frame advance could be changed by SET in autograph_params. There is
    > so much information there that I could not find what I was looking for. If
    > someone has done this, could you please lend a hand? I would like to have the
    > ellipse and line in the same plot.

    The following program will do it:

            PARAMETER (NPTS=1001,AVAL=2.567,BVAL=1.983,ROTA=16.)
            DATA DTOR / .017453292519943 /
            DO 101 I=1,NPTS
              IF (I.EQ.NPTS/3) THEN
              ELSE IF (I.EQ.2*NPTS/3) THEN
              END IF
      101 CONTINUE
            CALL OPNGKS
            CALL AGSETI ('FRAME.',2)
            CALL AGSETR ('GRID/SHAPE.',.25)
            CALL LINE (XCP1,YCP1,XCP2,YCP2)
            CALL FRAME
            CALL CLSGKS

    I have parameterized some things. NPTS is the number of points to be used
    to approximate the ellipse. AVAL and BVAL are the lengths of the semi-major
    and semi-minor axes. ROTA is an angle by which to rotate the ellipse. DTOR
    is for conversion from degrees to radians.

    The call setting 'FRAME.' to 2 turns off the frame advance. The call setting
    'GRID/SHAPE.' to .25 says to set the aspect ratio so that the X and Y axes
    have the same scale. The call to LINE draws a line connecting two points on
    the ellipse whose coordinates have been saved.

    Dave Kennison

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