Re: Help!!

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon May 20 2002 - 09:02:45 MDT

  • Next message: Ma Peifeng: "Ask help for building NCARG library from source code"

    > Hi,
    > This is the first time I am using NCAR Graphics. I am running the MM5 model,
    > the TERRAIN and run this command
    > idt TER.PLT &
    > I get the following error:
    > " Display(0): Error - ictrans: WARNING - Could not process CGM
    > element(class=4, id=1, name="Polyline") [Undefined color index(16) "
    > I would be grateful, if somebody can help me out .
    > Thanks.
    > Nusrat

    Dear Nusrat,

    It would help if you could email me the metafile that is causing this
    error message. It looks like color index "16" is being reference, but
    perhaps the color table you have defined has less than 16 colors. We
    can determine this by examining the metafile.


    --Mary Haley

    ncarg-talk mailing list

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