Re: Install Problems

From: Nestor Waldyd (nwaldyd AT
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 13:28:09 MDT

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "Re: Install Problems"

    Hi Camilo...

    It seems that you are using the wrong compiler... You are using pgf90, and
    the NCARG examples are written in Fortran 77... The examples must be
    compiled with the GNU Fortran 77 free compiler... OK??

    You have configured in a wrong way your NCARG installation, NCARG doesn't
    need pgf90 to be compiled!



    Nestor Waldyd Ingeniero Investigador, Grupo de Investigaciones Ambientales(GIA)

    Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana Cir. 1a 70-01, Laureles Tel, Fax : (4) 4159082 Medellín, Antioquia Colombia _______________________________________________ ncarg-talk mailing list

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