Re: Contour plots

From: Don Eliason (eliason@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Jan 30 1997 - 09:17:08 MST

Silvia Alessio writes:

> In the past I have extensively used CONPACK associated with EZMAP
> to create contour plots on the background of continental outlines.
> Now I am facing the problem of CONTOURING AN ANGULAR QUANTITY
> varying in the range (-180,+180) degrees. Of course, CONPACK does not
> work well in this case, due to the discontinuity at 180 degrees.
> Can anybody give me advice? Thank you in advance for any suggestion...

Perhaps contouring is not the best way to visualize such a quantity.
You could try plotting it as a vector, instead (e.g., VELVCT). If
the angular quantity has a magnitude with it, this would be a natural.
Otherwise, give all the vectors a magnitude of 1. That is, if your
angular quantity is theta, then decompose it into vector components
(u, v) = (cos (theta), sin(theta)), and then plot (u,v) using velvct.

Hope this helps,
Don Eliason

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