Re: cttd01.f question

From: Dave Kennison (kennison@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 16:01:08 MDT

  • Next message: Brian Laughman: "formatting plots in REVU"


    > Hello Dave and Mary

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     ... snip ... snip ... snip ... snip ... snip ... snip ... snip ...

    > In the example program cttd01.f should I take IDIM to be the number
    > of distinct longitude points? or is it IDM1? or something else?

    IDM1 ( = IDIM-1) is the number of distinct longitude points. The arrays
    XLAT, XLON, and ZDAT all have one point of overlap in longitude (so that
    they can be effectively wrapped around the globe and meet along a seam).
    Thus, one-degree data covering the whole globe is dimensioned 361x181;
    the first subscript steps through 361 longitudes, beginning and ending
    with 0 degrees, and the second subscript steps through 181 latitudes,
    from -90 degrees to +90 degrees.

    > I am having some difficulty getting the plots to look correct using
    > my data which is contained in an 2D array cur(nlat,nlon). This is
    > how I assign the RPNT data value:
    > iptp = 0
    > do 103 lat=1,nlat
    > do 104 lon=1,nlon
    > rpnt(iptp+4) = cur(lat,lon)
    > iptp = iptp + lopn
    > end do
    > end do
    > I suspect that I should probably transpose cur(lat,lon) to cur(lon,lat)
    > but this alone is not fixing the plot.

    The coordinate data are not placed in RPNT in an easily predictable order.
    The routine CTTMRG, which is called by GTTD01 to generate the triangular
    mesh from a rectangular array, does process the triangles in a predictable
    order, but the nodes in the point array RPNT are generated as needed and
    are only approximately in the order specified by the rectangular arrays.

    The easiest thing for you to do would probably be to put your data in the
    array ZDAT that is passed to GTTD01. If you want to put the data in the
    RPNT array that you get back, you would have to use something like this:

    > do i=0,npnt-lopn,lopn
    > [Using the X, Y, and Z coordinates from rpnt(i+1), rpnt(i+2),
    > and rpnt(i+3), compute a latitude and longitude and use those
    > to figure out what element of "cur" to put in rpnt(i+4).]
    > end do

    This may or may not be possible, of course, depending on the nature of
    the transformation effected by the contents of the arrays XLAT and XLON
    that you are passing to GTTD01.

    Keep in mind, too, that what the routine GTTD01 gives you back is a
    triangular mesh on the surface of the globe. Subsequent code deforms
    the triangular mesh to create the dumbbell shape that is seen in the
    graphical output. I don't know what surface you wish to represent or
    how you plan to deform the spherical mesh to fit on that surface ...

    Dave Kennison

    ncarg-talk mailing list

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