Re: conversion of ctrans PS output to Adobe PS

From: Volker Winkelmann (Winkelmann@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jan 30 1996 - 05:29:50 MST

On Jan 30, 2:56am, KB Shah wrote:
> Subject: conversion of ctrans PS output to Adobe PS
> Dear NCAR_graphics users,
> I have a postscript file generated by ctrans - but when I try to view
> it on ghostview, it does not show page numbers but I can see
> the pages by clicking on the next page button on the ghostview.
> The files has many pages of graphics and I want to print just a few
> by marking the pages in ghostview but that I cannot do since it doesn't
> show pagenumbers - so I have to print the entire document which takes
> 45 minutes.
> Ghostview does not show page number because the ps generated by ctrans is
> not in Adobe format. I am wondering if someone knows how to generate
> Adobe ps thru ctrans or convert the ps file to adobe format ps ?
> Regards,
> Kishan
>-- End of excerpt from KB Shah

Did you already check the "PostScript Utilities", especially
psselect? You can extract pages from PostScript documents
and print them separately. You can find an archive server with the
software near to you using archie, search item should be 'psutils'.

Volker Winkelmann

 Volker Winkelmann         Universitaet zu Koeln      University of Cologne
                           Regionales Rechenzentrum   Regional Computing Center
 Wi@rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE       Robert-Koch-Str. 10        Robert-Koch-Str. 10
 Tel: +49-221-478-5526     D-50931 Koeln-Lindenthal   D-50931 Cologne
 Fax: +49-221-478-5590     Bundesrep. Deutschland     Federal Rep. of Germany

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