Re: PCFOPN Error

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 18:00:22 MST

  • Next message: Kevin Hodges: "(no subject)"

    > After recompiling some running some NCAR graphics code that previously
    > worked I get the error
    > which then causes ctrans to break. The gmeta produced file is fine until I
    > get to the title (which doesn't show up on the plot). Oddly, I can't get
    > the program to break when I run it by hand. It only seems to break when
    > run from a Perl script. This seems to indicate I have an environment
    > variable set incorrectly in the script.
    > Does anyone have any ideas what error 1 means? My guess is that's it's a
    > fontcap error. I'm trying to get enough info so my sysadmin person can
    > help figure out what setting I have wrong or am missing.
    > I'm running ncarg.4.2.2 on Sun (Sunos 9?).
    > Thanks for any pointers.
    > Cathy Smith

    Dear Ms. Smith,

    There could be a couple of things wrong. First, make sure that your
    NCARG_ROOT environment variable is set correctly. Perhaps you need to
    set it in your Perl script. It needs to be set to the parent directory
    of where NCAR Graphics is installed on your system. For example, if
    you installed NCAR Graphics to /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib,
    /usr/local/include, etc, then NCARG_ROOT should be set to /usr/local.
    Also, you need to make sure that you are *not* setting NCARG_LIB
    incorrectly. It shouldn't be set at all, unless you installed the
    libraries in some directory other than $NCARG_ROOT/lib.

    If your NCARG_ROOT seems to be correct, then it's possible that the
    Plotchar database, which is a database of various fonts, has either
    been trashed, or is not readable by you.

    If you type:

      ls -l $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/database

    You should see something like this:

    -rw-r--r-- 1 haley gp 239286 Mar 28 07:22 Earth..1.areas
    -rw-r--r-- 1 haley gp 743392 Mar 28 07:22 Earth..1.lines
    -rw-r--r-- 1 haley gp 37640 Mar 28 07:22 PlotcharData

    If you don't see "PlotcharData", or it doesn't have "r" permissions,
    then this may be your problem. In this case, you should check with
    your system administrator about the installation of NCAR Graphics on
    your system.


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