Conpack problem update

From: Phil Reid (preid@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu May 29 1997 - 21:13:53 MDT

The problem seems to be in the maximum value of the real data array. If
this section of code

        do i=1,x
          do j=1,y

is replaced with this

        do i=1,x
          do j=1,y

or something similar then the character representation of the real is
correct. There must be a relationship between the real data array (rdata)
and the values of the chosen contours (cont). This does not help when
wanting to plot the small values as contours.

I can temporally fix the problem in my program by truncating the maximum
in the real data array but I shouldn't have to do this. Is this a general
problem or am I missing something?


  Phil Reid
  Antarctic CRC Phone : (03) 62 267546
  University of Tasmania Fax : (03) 62 262973
  PO Box 252-80 Hobart SST #16
  Tasmania 7001

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