Re: NCAR Graphics and netCDF files

From: Bob Lackman (rll@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Nov 25 1996 - 11:54:53 MST

> I was wondering what would be the fastest way of incorporating version
> 4.0's ability to read netCDF files into programs that use the old
> low-level utility calls. The online documentation seems to say little on
> this subject other than to say that it can be done.
> Thank-you
> Werner Wintels
> McGill University, Canada


      It is possible to combine High Level Utility (HLU) calls
      in programs which call the traditional Low Level Utility (LLU)
      subroutine libraries. However, it is not possible to
      call NCL functions for reading netCDF from LLU Fortran programs.
      Ethan tells me that if your LLU programs used the C language
      interface then the NCL API can be used to submit scripts from
      within a program and to retrieve data from the NCL evironment.

      However, if your LLU programs are in Fortran, then the only
      way to include netCDF input is to convert the program to the
      NCL language. See the NCL Scientific Tutorial at

      for some example NCL programs.

      At the current time we have no plans for a FORTRAN API to NCL.

      Thanks for your interest.


Bob Lackman
National Center For Atmospheric Research E-mail:
P.O.Box 3000 Phone: (303) 497-1224
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 FAX: (303) 497-1804


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