Re: NCAR Graphics output in JPG or GIF format

From: Dr. John W. Glendening (glendeni@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 11:49:56 MST

  • Next message: Andrew Mai: "Re: NCAR Graphics output in JPG or GIF format"

    > I am using the NCAR Graphics version 4.2.2 for plotting the MM5 outputs.
    Could s
    > ome one please let me know how to convert the NCAR graphics image '.cgm' file
    > to JPG and GIF format? At present I am able to convert the image only into
    the p
    > ostscript format by using the command
    > ctrans -d ps.color graphics.cgm >
    > I would like to find out a method to convert the .cgm file into JPG and GIF
    > ats. Thank you.

    Ideally ctrans could be used to directly produce a .gif raster
    (bitmap) file from the ncar cgm metafile, but that is not an available
    option so a generally used procedure is to first use ctrans to create
    a raster file in an available format (such as sun, sgi or xwd format)
    and then convert that to the .gif raster format. This requires having
    a program which can do such conversion. Below is an example of
    creating a raster plot of specified size which uses the San Diego
    Supercomputer Center's imcopy for this conversion

        # note that the ctrans default size is 512x512
        /var/ncar4.0.1/bin/ctrans -res $resolution -d sgi -outfile plot.sgi gmeta
        /usr/local/bin/imcopy -xsize $xsize -ysize $ysize plot.sgi plot.gif

    MAIL|  Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening          Meteorologist
    SENT|  Naval Research Lab - Monterey
    FROM|  7 Grace Hopper Ave Monterey, CA 93943  831-656-4725

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