Redhat Linux

From: Castel-Branco@XXXXXX
Date: Wed Nov 05 1997 - 03:22:46 MST

I have Red Hat Linux release 4.0 (Colgate)
with Kernel 2.0.28 on a Pentium Pro.
I also plan to run Red Hat Linux release 4.2 on a
Microway Screamer-LX 566 motherboard and Alpha 21164 (DEC chip).
Is anybody experienced with an installation of
NCAR Graphics version 4 on these environments ?
Any help/pointers/suggestions are appreciated.

Jean Castel-Branco



Universite catholique de Louvain Institut d'Astronomie et de Geophysique 2, Chemin du Cyclotron B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve BELGIUM Phone: + 32 10 473080 FAX: + 32 10 474722


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