Problems with libraries...

From: Karandeinos Haralambos (me00956@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Mar 26 2004 - 13:47:21 MST

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    Hallo all... I am a user of ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System) which uses
    NCAR Craphics... ARPS works with ifc... The version of ncar i have now
    installed in my machine is 4.2.3... When i try to link ncar graphics with arps,
    it finds undefined references in many variables in the libraries of ncarg
    (libncarg.a, libncarg_c.a, libncarg_gks.a)... Is it because this version is for
    pgf77, while i have ifc? Do i need an other library? Will it help if i install
    the 4.3.1. version?
    Thanks in advance for your answer.
    Karandeinos Haralambos
    MSc student
    Laboratory of Meteorology
    Department of Physics
    University of Ioannina
    451 10 Ioannina, Greece
    tel. +30-26510-98472
    fax. +30-26510-98699
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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