Compile problem for ncargraphics 4.2.3

From: Erika Harnett (eharnett@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 14:00:05 MST

  • Next message: Andrea Musone: "How to write a GUI"

    I downloaded the source code for ncargraphics 4.2.3 and compiled it on a
    machine running RedHat Linux 7.1 with the free version of the Intel
    Fortran 90 compiler. I didn't get any error messages in the Configure or
    Make stage. But when I try to compile some test code, using the command
    "ncargf90" I get the following error: "ncargpath: command not found". We
    have ncargraphic 4.0.1 running on some Alpha/DEC Unix machines. When I
    compare the /usr/local/ncarg/bin directories between the 2 machines, I see
    that the compile of ncarg 4.2.3 on the RedHat machine did not create the
    ncargpath binary, which is obviously why the command is not found. I also
    noticed that my compilation of the source code did not create the
    commands ncargmv, ncargtar, and ncargworld either. And it didn't create
    the idt binary.

    Has anyone else had a problem with neccessary binaries not being created
    when compiling the source code, and how did you overcome the problem?

    Erika Harnett |
    Department of Earth and Space Sciences |
    University of Washington, Box 351310 |
    Seattle, WA 98195-1310, USA |

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