Re: Is NHL a dead product?

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Jun 03 2003 - 07:47:26 MDT

  • Next message: Bixby, James: "NCAR Graphics display on WINNT4.0 workstation"

    > I have NCAR 4.3.0 installed on a SGI workstation. Can I also install
    > the NHL utils/libraries from my old 4.1 CD, or will I run into
    > troubles?
    > Also: ditto for a Mac OSX installation.
    > --
    > Dr. Ross Bogue
    > Physics Department
    > Illinois State University

    Dear Dr. Bogue and others,

    To answer the general question about the NHL utilities/libraries, the
    answer is "no", they are not dead. And while I've never tried it, I
    wouldn't recommend mixing the HLUs from the 4.1 CD with the latest
    version of NCAR Graphics (4.3.x). There are very likely some internal
    include files and or common blocks that have changed between the two
    versions that would cause incompatibilities.

    For those of you unfamiliar with this software, the NHL utilities are
    also known as the high-level utilities (HLUs), and the NCAR Command
    Language (NCL). The HLUs are a C/Fortran interface to NCAR Graphics
    which takes many of the various utilities that exist at the NCAR
    Graphics level and unifies them with a single object-oriented

    NCL is a programming language designed specifically for the access,
    analysis, and visualization of data. NCL uses the HLU library
    internally for its graphics interface. In addition to graphics, NCL
    has a powerful file I/O capability which allows you to open netCDF,
    GRIB, and HDF files using a single function call, and it also includes
    hundreds of data processing functions, many which are tailored for the
    climate analysis community.

    The HLUs and NCL used to be released along with NCAR Graphics on CD
    over 3 years ago and the last version was 4.1.1. NCAR Graphics is now
    open source and can be downloaded for free in source code form or in
    precompiled binary form for several different systems:

    NCL is released for free in binary form only, and can be downloaded

    The HLUs are still being developed in support of NCL, but they are not
    currently being released. We highly encourage folks to visit the above
    URL for more information on NCL.

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions.


    Mary Haley
    NCAR/SCD/VETS 303-497-1254 (voice)
    1850 Table Mesa Dr 303-497-1804 (fax)
    Boulder, CO 80305
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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