From: KB Shah (kshah@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Jan 31 1996 - 18:17:51 MST

Dear NCARG-talkers,

I am plotting streamlines using the old subroutine 'STRMLN'.
I don't want to plot some of the data but I don't know how to do it.
I have tried using

call STSETR ('USV - U Array special value',arbit)
call STSETR ('VSV - V Array special value',arbit)

and set U and V= arbit in the region where I don't want to draw but
it still draws streamlines. Is there anyway to tell 'STRMLN' not to
draw streamlines?

Another related question: How to force the vector plotting routine
'VELVCT' not to draw the maximum vector information label. I have tried

 call VVSETC('MXT - Maximum Vector Text String',' ')

but couldn't make it work - though I think works with newer routine.


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