Re: Install glitch on Mac OS X

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Apr 22 2004 - 07:50:56 MDT

  • Next message: Rick Grubin: "Re: broken installation"

    > I am attempting to install NCARG on a Mac OS X (10.3.3)
    > system, after pulling over the binaries for the GNU g77
    > version.
    > Uncompressing and de-tarring the ncarg-4.3.0.DARWIN_GNU_MAC
    > file seemed to go fine. I then started up INSTALL and proceeded
    > to answer the 5 questions as recommended on the "How to
    > download, install, and use pre-compiled NCAR graphics binaries
    > on your system" page. No.s 1-3 worked fine. For no. 4 I gave the
    > recommended answer of option #1, then for no. 5 option 3.
    > But, the install package just cycles me back to question no. 4 at
    > that stage beginning an apparently infinite loop.
    > (No. 4 question answered with '1' indicates distribution medium of
    > a tar file, no. 5 with '3' indicates installation type of same.)
    > Has anyone seen similar, or have something to recommend?
    > I've been using NCARG on a Sun for nearly 15 yrs, but this is my
    > first attempt at installing. I would guess I've done something dumb,
    > but not apparent what.
    > Thanks, Ron Gilliland
    > STScI

    Hi Ron,

    When you get sent back to the following menu:

        1. Select distribution medium [ install from tar-file ]
        2. Select source device [ device: ../DARWIN_MAC ]
        3. Select installation type [ ? ]
        4. Show installation configuration
        5. Perform installation
        6. Help

        0. Return to previous menu

    You want to select option "5" to perform the installation. I can see
    how the instructions are confusing on this, and I will try to make
    them more clear.


    Mary Haley
    NCAR/SCD/VETS 303-497-1254 (voice)
    1850 Table Mesa Dr 303-497-1804 (fax)
    Boulder, CO 80305
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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