Label thickness in LLU

From: Bernard Miville (acrnrbm@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 12:28:02 MDT


I am using LLU. When I do a contour plot I use gridal for the x and y
axis. I need to label the x and y axis and it works. I can modify the
size of the labels but not the thickness of the line used to draw the

When I put the legend using LBLBAR I am able to modify the label's
thickness under the label bar modifying the internal parameter WLB
(basically I want to make the letters BOLD). The same
WLB does not work for modifying the label's thickness along the x and y

Is there a way of doing this?



 Bernard Miville - Meteorologist                       
 Canadian Centre for Climate        Phone: 1-250-363-3347
 Modelling and Analysis (CCCMA)     Fax:   1-250-363-8247 
 Meteorological Service of Canada   E-mail: 
 University of Victoria             Web:
 Post:                              Courier: 
   P.O. Box 1700                      3964 Gordon Head Road, #283 
   Victoria, B.C. V8W 2Y2             Victoria, B.C. V8N 3X3

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