O Canada, wherefore art thou Canada

From: Dr. John W. Glendening (glendeni@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 11:22:04 MDT

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "Re: O Canada, wherefore art thou Canada"


    I am trying to draw Canadian provincial lines using SUPMAP but using
    IOUT=4 (or 104 to try to use the newer "Earth" data set) does not give
    any borders except for the 48 US states (i.e. it does not even give
    the Canadaian border, other than where it meets the US). Am I missing
    a dataset? (my workstation NCARG was installed around 1994 - but I
    find the same thing on my home PC which has a very recent NCARG

    As ancillary evidence, I find that the "ezmapdemo" demo described in
    the EZMAP documentation does not work on my machine and also that
    "ncargex mpex11" does not find any example to plot.


    MAIL|  Dr. John W. (Jack) Glendening          Meteorologist
    SENT|  Naval Research Lab - Monterey          glendening@nrlmry.navy.mil
    FROM|  7 Grace Hopper Ave Monterey, CA 93943  831-656-4725

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