Re: NCAR Graphics on SGI Origin2000

From: Mary Haley (haley@XXXXXX)
Date: Sun Nov 17 2002 - 10:37:41 MST

  • Next message: Sylvia Murphy: "Re: [ncl-talk] having trouble with bar charts"

    > Hi,
    > I am trying to run the MM5 model version 3 on an SGI Origin2000-R10000
    > machine and I can't figure out how to use the NCAR graphics package. I have
    > a problem with the libncarg_gks.a library: I am getting the following error
    > message.
    > Apparently the file gwilod.o is missing...
    > Somebody has ever encountered the same problem ?
    > Thank you,
    > Laurent
    > f77 -o terrain.exe ia.o anal2.o bint.o bndry.o crlnd.o crter.o dfclrs.o
    > exaint.o fi\nprt.o fudger.o interp.o label.o lakes.o latlon.o llxy.o
    > mxmnll.o nestll.o oned.o outpt.o \output.o pltter.o rdldtr.o replace.o
    > rflp.o setup.o sint.o smth121.o smther.o smthtr.o terd\rv.o terrain.o
    > tfudge.o vtran.o xyobsll.o hiresmap.o plots.o crvst.o crvst30s.o
    > nestbdy.o \crsoil.o equate.o labels.o labelv.o patch.o plotcon.o
    > watercheck.o crlwmsk.o soil_tg.o\ water_vfr.o
    > check_data.o terrestial_info.o write_fieldrec.o -n32
    > -L/afs/ncsa/packages/ncar\/NCAR_4.3/IRIXn32_6.5/lib -L/usr/lib32 -lncarg
    > -lncarg_c -lncarg_gks -lX11 -lm ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved
    > text symbol "sbytes_" -- 1st referenced by
    > /afs/ncsa/packages/\ncar/NCAR_4.3/IRIXn32_6.5/lib/libncarg_gks.a(gwilod.o).
    > Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos are
    > loaded. ld32: INFO 152: Output file removed because of
    > error. *** Error code 2 (bu21)
    > (ignored)

    Hi Laurent,

    Try switching the order of "-lncarg_gks" and "-lncarg_c". The GKS
    library (ncarg_gks) depends on routines in "ncarg_c", so "ncarg_c"
    must follow the GKS library:

       f77 ... -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lX11 -lm


    > ***************************************************************************
    > Laurent Bocahut
    > Graduate Research Assistant in Environmental Engineering
    > # 4142, Newmark Civil Engineering Lab
    > 205 N Mathews Av.
    > Champaign, IL 61820
    > Phone: +1 217 333 7773
    > ****************************************************************************
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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