Re: [Q] Funny output by

From: Shoichi Kizu (kizu@XXXXXX)
Date: Sat Jun 10 1995 - 23:37:56 MDT

> Dear Shoichi KIZU,
> This problem was fixed in version 3.2.1 of NCAR Graphics. If you
> like, we can send you a new version of ctrans, or else the whole 3.2.1
> package. Please have your site administrator or installer contact us
> (and have their NCAR Graphics site license number handy), and we will
> arrange to get the upgrade to you right away.
> Sincerely,
> Mary Haley

Dear Mary,

Thank you for your information. As a matter of fact, I myself am a
site admistrator (License #160 N3 9306) of our site.
It is very nice if our current problem is fixed. But I am
afraid that upgrading to 3.2.1 will cost some money. Right?
Please give me more information about this.


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