Re: International Outlines

From: Phil Reid (preid@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Jan 31 1997 - 16:01:23 MST

On Fri, 31 Jan 1997, Johannes Wefers wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> we often use CONPACK associated with EZMAP to investigate distributions
> of meteorological quantities. However, the international outlines
> produced by the NCAR package is not up to date, especially in Europe.
> For presentations at international assemblies and workshops it is
> suggestive to show the correct outlines. Does anybody know, if there
> exists an actual version of EZMAP that includes the corresponding
> international outlines or if there is an easy way to add new outlines to
> Thanks is advance,
> Johannes

Something similar:
I would like to be able to change the continental outlines in NCAR.

Part of the work here involves paleoclimatology. It would be nice to be
able to use NCAR to plot model data representative of past climatic
conditions on continental outlines of those times.

Also, the current outline of Antarctica includes in the outline of the
continent the Ronne ice shelf but does not include the Ross ice shelf!

I would like to ask the same questions as Johannes above.

 _--_|\ Phil Reid
/ \ Antarctic CRC Phone : (03) 62 267546
\_.--._/ University of Tasmania Fax : (03) 62 262973
      v PO Box 252C Hobart SST #16
                Tasmania 7001

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