Re: International Outlines

From: Martin Janousek (janousek@XXXXXX)
Date: Tue Feb 04 1997 - 01:15:26 MST

> Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 10:42:35 -0500 (EST)
> From: Werner Wintels <wintels@zephyr.meteo.McGill.CA>
> Subject: Re: International Outlines
> On the subject of geographic outlines, has anyone found a call to draw
> the outlines of Canadian provinces?

Sorry, I have no such routines (I deal only with limited-area model
for Europe).

If you are helpless you can try to do it manually like us - we used a
normal map and using digitizer produced lat-lon pairs. Then little
manipulation with awk made the required sequence of MAPIT calls.



| |
| Martin Janousek |
| |
| Cesky hydrometeorologicky ustav |
| Czech Hydrometeorological Institute |
| Na Sabatce 17 phone: (+42 2) 44 03 2242 |
| 143 06 Praha 4 fax: (+42 2) 44 03 2128 |
| Czech Republic |

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