Re: idt print to xwd file comes out wrong

From: Mary Haley (haley AT
Date: Mon Sep 12 2005 - 10:17:48 MDT

  • Next message: Mary Haley: "Re: How to add my own logo?"

    Hi Kip,

    The XWD driver in idt is old and I wouldn't recommend using this tool
    to convert to XWD files. We might be able to fix this, but it would be
    a low priority at this point, since the idt developer is no longer

    If you want to convert to other formats, like xwd, png, gif, etc, I
    would recommend using one of the many free tools out there, like
    ImageMagick. You can have your NCAR Graphics output go to a PS or PDF
    file, and then you can use these tools to convert to another format.

    Meanwhile, if you can send me your NCGM, I can take a quick look at
    it to see if I have problems at this end.


    On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Kip Smith wrote:

    > I intalled the lastest version of NCAR graphics on my dual Opteron
    > workstation running SuSE linux 9.3 and PG FORTRAN 6. I ran several programs
    > and they created ncgm files which are the same as on my old system. However,
    > when I use idt to print the graphic to an xwd file, the xwd image is
    > incorrect (see the attached file which is the xwd file converted to png
    > format). The colors are not the ones in the ncgm version and this image is
    > offset. What's gone wrong?
    > Kip Smith
    ncarg-talk mailing list

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