Re: idt problem

From: Ethan Alpert (ethan@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Sep 08 2000 - 11:10:20 MDT

  • Next message: H C Pumphrey: "Re: Linux Slackware 4.0"

    Sounds like something is wrong with your PATH environment. IDT runs a program
    called ictrans. If IDT can't find ictrans then you'll get the error bellow.

    Does "which ictrans" return a string?
    How are you running idt? What is you command line?
    What happens when you run ictrans?


    > I'm having trouble with idt.
    > The idt window is coming up. But, when I specify a file to display,
    > nothing is displayed.
    > I do get this error sometimes:
    > reading stdout of translator: Error 0
    > Translator aborted
    > I'm able to view the files with ctrans
    > I'm using version 4.2 under Solaris 7

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