NCAR Graphics on SGI Origin2000

From: Laurent Bocahut (bocahut@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Nov 15 2002 - 16:06:48 MST


I am trying to run the MM5 model version 3 on an SGI Origin2000-R10000
machine and I can't figure out how to use the NCAR graphics package. I have
a problem with the libncarg_gks.a library: I am getting the following error
Apparently the file gwilod.o is missing...

Somebody has ever encountered the same problem ?

Thank you,


  f77 -o terrain.exe ia.o anal2.o bint.o bndry.o crlnd.o crter.o dfclrs.o
exaint.o fi\nprt.o fudger.o interp.o label.o lakes.o latlon.o llxy.o
mxmnll.o nestll.o oned.o outpt.o \output.o pltter.o rdldtr.o replace.o
rflp.o setup.o sint.o smth121.o smther.o smthtr.o terd\rv.o terrain.o
tfudge.o vtran.o xyobsll.o hiresmap.o plots.o crvst.o crvst30s.o
nestbdy.o \crsoil.o equate.o labels.o labelv.o patch.o plotcon.o
watercheck.o crlwmsk.o soil_tg.o\ water_vfr.o
check_data.o terrestial_info.o write_fieldrec.o -n32
-L/afs/ncsa/packages/ncar\/NCAR_4.3/IRIXn32_6.5/lib -L/usr/lib32 -lncarg
-lncarg_c -lncarg_gks -lX11 -lm ld32: ERROR 33 : Unresolved
text symbol "sbytes_" -- 1st referenced by
Use linker option -v to see when and which objects, archives and dsos are
loaded. ld32: INFO 152: Output file removed because of
error. *** Error code 2 (bu21)

Laurent Bocahut
Graduate Research Assistant in Environmental Engineering
# 4142, Newmark Civil Engineering Lab
205 N Mathews Av.
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: +1 217 333 7773

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