Re: How to include an NCGM graphic in a Microsoft Word or Word Perfect document?

From: Ethan Alpert (ethan@XXXXXX)
Date: Mon Jan 04 1999 - 15:56:25 MST

I just generated an EPSI file from NCAR Graphics and inserted it into
a Microsoft Word document with no problem. The file printed fine and
looked correct. I'm running Windows 98 and Microsoft Office 97.

I'm not sure why it works for me and not for you (isn't Windows wonderful :) ).
If you're using the same version of the Windows 98 and the same version of
MSWORD then there has to be something wrong with your windows installation,
which I'm not going to be able to help you with.

Just to make sure the process I used for inserting the EPSI document was:

Select "Insert" from the main MSWord window
Select "Picture" from the Insert Menu
Select "From File..." from the "Picture" menu
Set "Files of type" option to "All Files"
Select the EPSI file and press insert
Then "Convert File" dialog pops up from
        which I select "Encapulated PostScript"
        and hit "ok"
At this point the preview image mentioned in the
        NCAR Graphics documentation is displayed.
Then I continue typing and save the file as
        a MSWORD document.
When I print the file the image appears exactly
        where I inserted it.

If this is the process you followed and it didn't
work then this has to be a Windows problem specific
to your installation.

I can try to look at this further but I don't have
much infomation to go on. Have you tried to contact Microsoft


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