Re: NCAR for WinNT

From: Bob Lackman (rll@XXXXXX)
Date: Fri Nov 22 1996 - 11:52:15 MST

> From:
> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 09:59:34 +1100 (EST)
> Subject: NCAR for WinNT 3.51 with Power Fortran (fwd)
> To: ncarg-talk@ncar.UCAR.EDU
> Hi all,
> I would like to know if anyone has already ported NCAR v4.0 to WinNT
> platform running Fortran PowerStation. How hard it is or is it worth to
> do it ?.

        We have not ported NCAR Graphics to a WinNT or Win95 platform.
        We do have a Linux port and are working on a Solaris PC port.

        We have had a lot of interest in a WinNT port and have decided
        that after Version 4.1 which will feature a full GUI, we will
        seriously look at such a port. Our feeling is that PC users
        will expect GUI based graphics.

        We would not discourage anyone who wanted to port our low level
        libraries. The source code of these libraries is included with
        your distribution. However, we unfortunately do not have the
        time to be of much help in such an effort.

        If you do tackle this effort, PLEASE let us know how it goes.
> Thanks,
> ************************************************************************
> Dr Hiep Duc, Metropolitan Air Quality Study*
> Environment Protection Authority NSW (EPANSW)* ------------------------
> 66 Rickard Road *
> Bankstown, NSW 2200 ph: (02) 7955205 *
> ph: (02) 795 5454 Fax: (02) 7092836 *
> ************************************************************************
        Thanks for your continued interest in NCAR Graphics. I have
        added you to a growing list of users interested in PC versions
        of NCAR Graphics. We will try to keep you and ncarg-talk
        appraised of any developments in this regard.

        Bob Lackman, Head
        NCAR Graphics Group

Bob Lackman
National Center For Atmospheric Research E-mail:
P.O.Box 3000 Phone: (303) 497-1224
Boulder, CO 80307-3000 FAX: (303) 497-1804

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