Regridding with bivar

From: Carlos Fernandez (carlosf@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Nov 20 1996 - 05:39:27 MST

I want to make a contour of a irregular set of points (temperatures). The
points are in latitude/ pressure coordinates, with pressure in 18 levels and
varying with the latitude. As is said in question 20 of the FAQ, I should use
bivar to convert my data to a regular grid.
I have seen the example c_cbex01, and read the documentation in the Contouring
and Mapping Tutorial, and the only way to make the regridding is (I think)
using C_IDSFFT. I have tried it, and the results are very wrong (the data I get
is negative and very strange).
My question is (are):
- Is there any other subroutine to convert my data from non-gridded to a
gridded coordinates (in NCAR 4.0.1 or other public library)?
- I haven't given you many information... but does anybody know wha could be

Thanks. I've been fighting with IDSFFT for 24 hours and I'm going to

Carlos Fernandez Sanchez
Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia

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