Re: Allocation of workspace problem

From: Ethan Alpert (ethan@XXXXXX)
Date: Wed Oct 04 2000 - 09:03:34 MDT

  • Next message: Ethan Alpert: "Re: ncarg4.1.1 with linux redhat 6.1"

    The fact that it is the same program is not necessarily important, what is
    important is: is it the same *data*? The workspace is used to hold the lines and
    polygons created when contouring. If you have more contour lines you need more
    space. If your data is highly variable or you create many contour intervals
    you can run up against this limit. You can set a resource called
    "wsMaximumSize" to increase the size. Also you may want to check to see if
    your data has missing values and whether you're setting the missing value
    correctly. If data has missing values and you don't set it correctly in
    the scalarField through the resource "sfMissingValueV", you'll end up with
    a tremendous amount of contour lines.

    > I recently transferred a program from an older Sun workstation to a new one.
    > After recompiling the source code, execution of the program produced the
    > following messages:
    > fatal:_NhlUseWorkspace: Allocation of workspace would exceed maximum total
    > size
    > fatal:MapV40DHDrawMapList: error reserving area map workspace
    > fatal:PlotManagerPostDraw: error in plot post-draw
    > fatal:_NhlPlotManagerDraw: PostDraw error
    > The program never did this on the old machine. Both machines are running
    > Solaris 2.7, used the same makefiles and the same compiler. Any help would
    > be appreciated.
    > Thanks.
    > __________________________________
    > Dr. Scott Goodrick, Meteorologist
    > Florida Division of Forestry
    > 3125 Conner Blvd
    > Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650
    > Voice: 850-413-7172
    > Fax: 850-488-4445
    > __________________________________

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