Ask help for building NCARG library from source code

From: Ma Peifeng (tslmapf@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 20:08:28 MDT

Dear all,

We are building NCARG library from ncarg4.2.3 on SGI Origin2000, Irix 6.5
using with MIPSpro compilers.
When using default compile options, everthing is OK when run "ncargex
and view plot with "ictrans example.ncgm".

When we try our utility programs which call NCARG library, they don't work.
We found the diffrence of specification of real value in compile options
cause this problem. (Ncarg use default "-r4", while our programs use "-r8")

Then we change the NCARG compile options (changing options of our own
programs will cause other problems)
by adding "-r8" to
"#define CcOptions -64 -xansi -avoid_gp_overflow $(SGIWARNSUPPRESS)
#define FcOptions -64 -avoid_gp_overflow"
 in the file "$NCARG/config/SGI_IRIX.64"

Then we run "ncargex example" again, it seems OK.
When view the frames with "ictrans example.ncgm", however,
only a small part of the plot can be shown on the screen, only several
lines, some dots or a word and even nothing.

Can anyone help me to solve this problem?

Thanks a lot

Ma Peifeng

Temasek Laboratories
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