Mouse events in X11 workstation

From: Craig Tremback (tremback@XXXXXX)
Date: Thu Nov 16 2000 - 10:34:56 MST

Now that the X workstation is a standard part of NCAR Graphics, this may be
able to eliminate the use of the XGKS package. Except for one thing...
interaction with the graphics window. Does anyone have any routines to
capture mouse events in the X workstation window or rubberbanding boxes,
etc.? Is this type of thing planned for any future version?


- Craig

Craig J. Tremback Internet -- http:://
phone: 970-282-4400 ext. 22 fax : 970-282-9444

Mission Research Corporation/*ASTER Division
P.O. Box 466
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0466

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